Cinque Terre

Ali Fadhl Bueawi

BioMedical Engineering Department


عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

-Member of the Voluntary Work Committee in the Department Biomedical Engineering, University of Technology,2023. -Director of the Finance Division and Assistant Lecturer - Biomedical Engineering University of Technology 2015-2017. -Lecture Biomedical Branch , Department Biomedical Engineering, University of Technology, 2015- present.

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Ph.D., Finance, money circulation and credit., Financial University, under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, 2022.

M.Sc., Government financial audit., Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia, 2015.

B.Sc., Commercial Teachers and Industrial Management., University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq, 1994.

My research focus mainly on Finance, money circulation and credit.

1- The Techniques of distribute sources of financing long-term investments between the state and oil-producing companies: the experience of Russia and Iraq

2-The problem of formation of the optimal structure of financial resources of oil companies / A.F.B. Bueawi, S.V. Laptev // Economics and Entrepreneurship. - Printed magazine - Moscow - Russia2017. - No. 12-4 (89). - C. 957-961. – ISSN 1999-2300.

3-Пути снижения кредитного риска и платы за кредит для целей совершенствования краткосрочного выбора источников финансирования инвестиций предприятий нефтегазового сектора.

4-Совершенствование пропорций и способов участия государства и нефтедобывающих корпораций в инвестициях с учетом зарубежного опыта.

5- Финансовое регулирование как способ обеспечения объемов и оптимизации состава источников финансирования инвестиций на несовершенных рынках.

6- Модель долгосрочных финансовых отношений между государством и нефтедобывающими корпорациями с целью увеличения инвестирования в разработку нефтегазовых месторождений

1- Engineering Statistics

2-Course lecturer

3-Democracy and human rights

- Certified teacher to teach Arabic to non-Arabic speakers at the PROFI.RU-site Institute, Moscow 2018 - present.

- Chairman of the Absenteeism Committee in the Department Biomedical Engineering - University of Technology, 2022- present.

- Chairman of the Central Inventory Committee in the Biomedical Engineering Department - University of Technology, 2022- present.

- Chairman of the Committee for Reducing Financial Tuition for Evening Studies Students, Department Biomedical, University of Technology, 2022-present.

- Certified teacher to teach Arabic to non-Arabic speakers at the PROFI.RU-site Institute, Moscow 2018 - present.
