statistics (2)


  Number of published research:


Number of published research for the year 2019-2018: 23 research for download Click here.

Number of published research for the year 2017-2018: 23 research for download Click here.

Number of published researches for the year 2016-2017: 87 research papers for protection Click here.

Number of published research for the year 2015-2016: 53 Downloads Please click here.


Statistics of training courses for department Lectures for the year 2018-2019:

To find out the number of training courses and workshops for department Lecturesclick here


Statistics of training courses for department employees for the year 2018-2019:

To find out the number of training courses and workshops for employees of the department, click here


Associate 's statistics by (teachers) (scientific title - certificate) - administrative - technicians) 2018-2019
