Items filtered by date: December 2017
Sunday, 17 December 2017 00:00

design and applications of medical materials

Based on the principle of the application of modern teaching methods and for the purpose of urging the use of research sources and study, a number of seminars were presented in the subject of design and applications of medical materials by the request of the branch of biochemistry phase III under the supervision of the assistant professor Dr Janan Star Khashan attended presentations. Dr. Wassam Kazem Hamdan, Head of the Branch of Bio mechanics, Dr. Jamal Mohammed, and a number of teachers in the department.

Thursday, 14 December 2017 00:00


Head of the Biomedical Engineering , Dr Wisam Kazem Hamdan, received a certificate of appreciation for his participation in the two-day symposium entitled Quality Management System in Medical Applications (ISO 13485).

Assigning the duties of administrative assistant Lecturer Dr. Karim Hussein Jawad  tasks assigned in the Biomedical engineering department

We are living in the midst of the great victories achieved by our heroic security forces in defeating the terrorism of ISIS and overthrowing the State of Myth. It is a pure Iraqi victory for this ancient and proud country of civilization and history. On this great occasion, our congratulations go down to our wise reference and to our army and heroic military forces of all kinds and factions. In order to liberate Iraq and unite in order to embody these victories and strengthen them by unifying the ranks and solidarity and sticking to the unity of our people to close the doors of terrorism and extremism. To the martyrs of the glory and the immortality of the wounded and full recovery.

In the activities of students of Biomedical engineering department, students of the third stage held a celebration to  the occasion of the International Day of BioMedical Engineers. The celebration  included the presence of the head of the department, Dr. Wassam Kazem Hamdan, and a number of teachers to participate in the celebration, wishing them success and success.



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