عضو ارتباط

عضو ارتباط

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 academic lecture have been published in national magazine publication
 Ph.D. Gamal Mohamed Hamad bio mechanics branch at Biomedicine Engineering Department at the University of technology in national magazine entitled "journal of Interational computation and applied sciences" is the coefficient effect "impact factor 2.2 ' search was entitled And that "| Design and construction of water solar distillation work by steam circulation techniqu

 Involving Department of missions and cultural relations in the Ministry of higher education and research assistant Msc.ali Jalal and Assistant Msc.ali fadhle  baioi of Biomedical Engineering Department in the University to scholarships for PhD Fellowship in Russian Tambov state technical University in Russia for three years.

 number of academic lecture have been participating in the elections of the General Conference of the Iraqi Academy Conference of the Union of Iraqi academics and held at Baghdad University Al-Hakeem Hall, which will be the official representative of obtaining master degree or PhD or equivalent from workers Ministry of higher education and research, universities and non-governmental academic Association Act No 61 of 2017, pointing to the importance of the formation of the Guild will give an important addition for this segment of their definition in the official forums to ensure their rights as protecting doctors and judges.

The Department announced the second exams results for the 2016-2017  year for all students of the Department Their performance second  exams go to receive their scores for a maximum period of 10 days from the date of its Declaration 2/10, in the absence of the student load request is considered a student failed in current year.
