
نبذة عن الفرع

نبذة عن الفرع 

 رؤية الفرع: 
ان رؤية الفرع هي لخلق مهندس ميكانيك حيوي كفوء في مجال تصميم المواد الحيوية بالاضافة الى القدرة على صيانة المعدات الطبية الحيوية ومواكبة البحث العلمي المتطور. 

أهداف الفرع:
1- توفير كادر هندسي كفوء قادر على التعامل بمهنية عالية في مجال هندسة الميكانيك الحيوي.
2- أعداد مهندس ميكانيك حيوي متخصص في مجالات صناعة الاطراف الاصطناعية، صيانة الاجهزة الطبية، الدراسة الاكاديمية والبحوث التطبيقية.
3- المساهمة في ديمومة العلاقة بين الخريجين الذين يحملون المواهب وطلاب الفرع بما يخدم المساهمة في مجالات البحث والابتكارات العلمية.

رسالة الفرع: 
يهدف فرع الميكانيك الاحيائي للربط بين علم الهندسة وعلم الطب من خلال تهيأة كادر هندسي متخصص في مجال هندسة الطب الحيوي، وكذلك المساهمة الفاعلة في مجال البحث العلمي بما يتلائم مع الاستكشافات الحديثة في هذا المجال. لذلك يهتم فرع الميكانيك الاحيائي بالجانب التصميمي لأحدث الاختراعات الحيوية من اجل المساهمة الفاعلة في المجال التطبيقي لجسم الانسان.

Various sports activities for students and faculty members of the Biomedical Engineering Department


The sports activities for students and members of the Biomedical Engineering Department for the academic year 2022-2023-2024.


The second phase in the Biomedical Engineering Department sees them clinching the departmental football championship.

The Biomedical Engineering Department team wins the football championship against their counterparts from the Laser Engineering Department.

The conclusion of the students' football championship in the Biomedical Engineering Department.

The women's five-a-side football team triumphs over the team from Al-Isra College.

The teaching and staff team of the department secures victory in their first match in the football championship.


Student sports activities for the academic year 2018-2019.


1- The university's futsal team, represented by the Biomedical Engineering Department under the supervision of coach Mr. Ali Ghanem, won against the Al-Israa College women's football team with a score of two goals in favor of the university. The match was attended by the esteemed University President and the esteemed Department Chair, along with the faculty members. The match concluded with the University President honoring both teams with gold medals, handing over the trophy, and honoring several faculty members from the Biomedical Engineering Department who were in attendance.

2- The student women's futsal championship at the University of Technology concluded under the patronage of Professor Ameen Dawai Thamer, the university president. The Biomedical Engineering Department's team won the championship and secured first place in the university. The match was attended by the Department Chair, Professor Wisam Kazim Hamdan, the sports activities coordinator in the department, Mr. Ali Ghanem, and several students from the department who came to support the team. The university president praised the sportsmanship of the participating teams and their honorable representation of their departments, emphasizing the university's continued support for student activities and encouraging students to participate in them.

3- Our department's basketball team clinched the university basketball championship by defeating the Communications Engineering Department team with a score of 21 goals to 8.

4- The football team was honored at the conclusion of a friendly match between first-year morning and evening students, attended by the Department Chair, Professor Wisam Kazim Hamdan.


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